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Open Government Data

Open data means: Data and contect can be freely used, reused, shared and redistibuted by anyone.

Implementation of Open Government Data aims to improve public services and enhancing transparency to access government data and information.


1. Download : Term of Use Open Government Data

2. Website    : http://data.gov.my/

No. TopicFormatDownload
1.Kawasan Hutan Tadahan Air HTACSVDownload
2.Keluasan Hutan Simpanan Kekal HSKCSVDownload
3.Kawasan Berhutan di MalaysiaCSVDownload
4.Keluasan Kawasan Berhutan dan Tidak Berhutan Di Semenanjung Malaysia 2013CSVDownload
5.Kawasan Hutan Simpanan Di MalaysiaCSVDownload